Saturday, August 22, 2009

A trace of gray

Unpublished Poem written by my friend Stephen Rowe - 21 August 2009

Photo by Ron Dubin

A trace of gray lingers on week long storms

that hug the mid west twilight
Ground pounding light and thunder shows
Soak the summer lands
drain the warm
as cool front winds
greet the fall.
I stood on what used to be the prairie,
watching rolling clouds
forming over endless fields of corn and beans
cut only by sparse tree lines left as wind breaks.
Where did all of the forests go? I thought as the
evening sky parted and a once in a lifetime
sun shine filled my eyes
and I did not turn away or fear to hear the

"It is not what one is, rather who one is that is paramount."
Stephen Craig Rowe

1 comment:

stephenrowepainter said...

Dear Riette, Thank you so very much. It is an honor to see my work here. As ever be well

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